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Dealing with video graphic cards problems while using your Windows 10 system is a real bummer. Depending on the error that you experience you might not be able to use certain programs or play your favorite games.
However, in most situations, these issues can be easily addressed, since after all, we are talking about a software malfunction. So, if you just got the ‘primary display’s adapter does not support nvidia 3d vision’ error message, don’t panic.
Follow the guidelines below and learn how to quickly resolve this problem.
Understanding the problem
Before choosing to apply the steps below, make sure that your device or computer can get 3D vision within the standard display. The Nvidia 3D protocol requires a certain screen resolution and a special monitor or else you cannot enjoy the actual 3D vision, even if the graphic card that’s installed offers built-in support for this feature.
If your monitor or display cannot support 3D vision you will have to connect an external monitor via HDMI connection.
Otherwise, the error message is most likely caused by a corrupted driver.
Display’s adapter won’t support NVIDIA 3D vision
- Apply Windows updates.
- Update graphic drivers.
- Uninstall and then re-install the graphic drivers.
1. Apply Windows updates
The reason why you might receive the ‘Primary display’s adapter does not support NVIDIA 3D vision’ message is because you are running an outdated OS version.
So, first of all, check if there are any Windows 10 updates waiting for your approval:
2. Update graphic drivers
Most likely your graphic card driver is not updated and that’s why you are experiencing these problems. Therefore, try to automatically update these drivers:
3. Uninstall and reinstall the Nvidia drivers
If the problem is still there you need to manually remove and install the graphic drivers again. This will definitely fix the ‘primary display’s adapter does not support nvidia 3d vision’ error message.
If the ‘Primary display’s adapter does not support NVIDIA 3D vision’ error message is still there, return to this tutorial and use the comments field below.
Try to describe your problem, and the background situation in detail so that we can find a better solution for your issue.
Also, if you encountered a different troubleshooting method that might resolve this malfunction, share it with us and we will update this tutorial accordingly.