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A wide number of users have reported seeing the error message Status bad impersonation level on Windows 10 after installing the latest patches from Microsoft in April of 2019.
This error seems to affect users of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012 as well. In these cases, the error stops Windows from booting up normally.
It seems that the issue might be caused by a conflict between Windows latest patches and some antivirus software installed on their PC.
For these reasons, in today’s article, we will explore some of the best methods to deal with this issue. Please follow the steps presented here carefully to avoid any further issues.
How can I fix Status bad impersonation level error?
1. Check Windows Update for any new patches
2. Restore your PC back to the version before installing the April patch
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3. Uninstall the conflicting antivirus software
Note: Users reported this problem with Sophos, Avast, or ArcaBit, so if you’re using any of these applications, be sure to remove them.
In this article, we explored some of the best methods to try and solve the error message Status Bad Impersonation Level error.
This issue seems to be caused by a conflict between some antivirus software and the latest April Windows 10 update patches.
Please feel free to let us know if this guide helped you solve your issue, by using the comment section below.