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In this simple tutorial we’re going to show you how to set up Google Cloud Print service natively on Windows 10.
It is the quickest way to print your documents, especially if the printer you have access to is not very close to you. You actually can print files from London to Tokyo if that is what you want.
Cloud printing is one of those software technologies you ask yourself: “why didn’t we had this years ago?”. The most common way this technology can help you is by printing from home to work, in case you need to do that.
How can I set up Google Cloud Print on Windows 10? You can easily download and install it from the official links provided by Google. The process is simple and you’ll be up and running in no time. Install the Print service, run it, and then add your local printers.
To see how you can do that, check the steps below.
Steps to set up Google Cloud Print on Windows 10:
To do this you’ll need a Windows PC, a Google Account, Google Chrome, download Google Cloud Print Service and Google Cloud Print Driver (the driver that will help you add your a Cloud Printer to your Windows default list).
1. Install Google Cloud Print Service
This first step is to ensure that we have the service working in Windows 10. Head over to the download page and run the setup kit. It will automatically install every file needed for the system.
It’s possible that the download could not work if you’re not using Google Chrome as the browser, that’s why it’s in the list of tools you need. If Windows asks for permission to authorise the installation, then go for it.
2. Run Google Cloud Print Service
This step looks easy, but actually it can give you a bit of a headache because of the login process.
First of all, find the newly installed service in the Start Menu at the Recently Added section.
After you run the application, you get this window where you have to login but to your computer account not to your Google Account.
If you can’t login, you have to be aware that this is the password you insert when you log on to Windows 10. Some users use the Microsoft Account to login, other users create an offline (local) user account.
3. Add Local Printers
The next step here is to login to your Google Account that you’ll use for the service and after that you will receive a message in Chrome Browser asking you to add local printers to Google Cloud.
That’s about it for connecting your standard printers to your Google Account.
Now if you’ll go to another computer into Chrome and login to your Google account you could print a file directly from Chrome as in the image below.
You can also manage the list of printers from this link.
One thing to mention is that if the device you used to add the local printers to Cloud Print is not online, you cannot print any files because it will appear offline.
Now, if you want to use Google Cloud Print service as a native printer in Windows 10 and not only from the Chrome browser, you’ll need to download and install the Google Cloud Print Driver.
This process is easier. After installing the driver you will just have to choose which printer should be used to print the files you want, and you’ll also have a few basic options to choose from before you send it out for printing.
Hope that this quick and easy guide helped you get back on track with your file printing, and from now on you you will be able to print everything from anywhere with Google Cloud Print.
If you have any more questions about setting up this service, leave them in the comments section below and we’ll be sure to take a look.