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If you want to know how to fix common VMware network adapter issues, you came to the right place.
A large number of users have encountered issues with their VMware network adapter, and that can cause a lot of stress.
The entire reason for using VMware for virtualization is to be able to have a substrate of software that mediates the operations between the operating system and your PC‘s physical hardware.
Having this ability allows you to tackle a wide range of possible problems, without risking to corrupt the entire system setup.
For this reason, in today’s article, we will discuss how to solve the most common issues encountered when using VMware on your Windows 10 machine. Read on to find out more details.
Here’s how to fix common VMware network adapter issues
VMware network adapter not working
VMware network adapter not connected
There are a few ways to tackle this problem, depending on the details of your circumstances. To fix this issue, try these methods:
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VMware network adapter not showing up
If your VMware network adapter is not showing up inside your Network Connections window, this issue might be caused by a power outage or a sudden shutting down of your server.
To solve this, it is recommended that you restore your system to the previous version before the issue occurred:
VMware network adapter general failure
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh int ip reset c:tcp.txt
netsh winsock reset
3. Restart your PC.
Please feel free to let us know if this guide helped you solve your issue with the VMware network adapter, or if you have any suggestions.
You can do so by using the comment section found below this article.