Tips and tricks to improve your results

July 2023 · 7 minute read

Gears of War 4’s Horde 3.0 is the game’s highlight for many players. This complex co-op mode challenges gamers to work together in order to survive. Each team member must know exactly what their role is and collaborate with the other players. Otherwise, the whole team will fall under enemy fire.

If you’re new to Gears of War 4 or simply want to upgrade your gaming style, check out the tips and tricks listed below. Put them into practice and you’ll become a better Gears of War 4 player.

Gears of War 4 Horde 3.0 tips and tricks

Gears of War 4 Horde 3.0 beginner’s guide

Horde 3.0 relies on the class-based mechanics, making teamwork an essential part of the game. As stated above, you and your teammates must know what you’re doing and follow the rules below:

1. Bring an engineer and a scout to your team

2. Scouts play the most important part in Horde 3.0. They collect the energy that enemies leave behind and take them to the fabricator. Scouts receive a double energy deposit bonus if they gather the energy during a wave. They are the only class that receives this bonus and this is why other team members should let Scouts collect energies.

To get your hands on this bonus, wait until there are only a few enemies alive and then collect as much energy as possible before the last enemy is killed.

3. As an engineer, your main task is to build and maintain fabrications. Your secondary task is to revive your teammates when they fall. Engineers have discount skills, which is why you shouldn’t buy things from the fabricator if you’re not an engineer. If you need something and it’s not urgent, ask the engineer to get it for you.

Gears of War 4 Horde 3.0 tips

1. Don’t be shy to use a mic and the text-chat feature.

2. Keep the last enemy alive until your scout has grabbed most of the energy available. Scouts get an energy deposit bonus while they gather energy during a wave.

3. Don’t move fabrications if you’re not an Engineer. When fabrications get destroyed, you can collect some energy back. Buying new ones helps your team level up the fabricator, while repairing doesn’t count.

4. Build the basic setup for your base, then buy as many decoys as possible and leave them all in one spot — preferably very close to your base. Let the enemies destroy the decoys, then kill the enemies and let the Scout reclaim the energy.

5. Don’t place the fabricator too far back. You can also use it as cover because it is indestructible. Also, the Scout needs to run back and forth between the battlefield and the fabricator all the time. Place the fabricator wisely to make your Scout’s task easier.

6. Use turrets for later waves and boss waves. The turret ammo requires a lot of energy, so don’t use turrets on easy waves, or when your team has already wiped out most of the enemies.

7. Mark enemies and weapons as often as you can. This offers useful information to your teammates.

8. Heavies should use Heavy Weapons, Explosive Weapons and Turrets as often as possible since they get bonus damage with them.

9. If you grab a Salvo, don’t ever run out of ammo. If you do, the Salvo will simply vanish afterwards. Instead, leave two rounds and put it back in a locker so it can be recharged.

10. Don’t get angry if you die and your teammates leave you dead to save energy. Sometimes you need to sacrifice yourself for the greater good of your team.

11. Beware of Snipers, Boomshots, Dropshots, Guardians and the like. They can quickly kill you with just one shot.

12. Snipers are constantly low on ammo because their only sources of ammo are the ammo crates. It’s nice of you to let them have the ammo crates, if possible.

13. Heavies and soldiers can commit suicide to get some extra energy before Wave 1 starts. Do it before the fabricator is deployed and let the Scout gather your energy.

14. When the Engineer starts replacing damaged fortifications after a heavy wave, help him set up the base so that he can get everything ready before the next wave starts.

Gears of War 4 class tips

GoW 4 Scout Class Tips

GoW 4 Soldier Class Tips

GoW 4 Sniper Class Tips

GoW 4 Heavy Class Tips

GoW 4 Engineer Class Tips

We hope these quick tips and tricks boost your game results. Don’t forget that communication is the most important skill for a team. Talk to your teammates and explain to them why you’re going to do something that may seem to be a bad decision. A good strategy and team collaboration are the main ingredients for your Gears of War 4 Horde 3.0 success.

