How to get information about your system using wmic on Windows

January 2023 · 4 minute read


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  • Even though many people think that gathering system information is only possible on Linux. However, this can also be done for the Windows OS, using Command Prompt.

    There are some commands that need to be used to achieve your purpose and, to execute all these commands, you need to run the Command Prompt as Administrator to get access to the system information.

    We’re going to be using wmic commands, in case you were wondering, so stay tuned and see exactly what you have to do.

    The Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) is a command-line and scripting interface that simplifies the use of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and systems managed through WMI.

    How can I get system information using wmic?

    Before we list the commands you need to use in order to have access to that information, you must first open a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges.

    Only that way will your system display the requested information, so keep that in mind when trying this.

  • Press the Windows key, search for Command Prompt, and select Run as cmd as admin
  • Type the desired command and press the Enter key.cmd admin
  • After you opened the app with Administrator privileges, it’s time to get the information you need by using one of the following commands, depending on the purpose:

    wmic cpu
    wmic cpu get caption, name, deviceid, numberofcores, maxclockspeed, status
    wmic bios get serialnumber 
    wmic computersystem get totalphysicalmemory 
    wmic partition get name,size,type 
    wmic process list 
    wmic process where name="name_of_file" call terminate
    wmic product
    wmic product get name,version 
    vol volume_letter: 
    Note icon

    You have to replace volume_letter with the letter of the volume you wish to use.

    Note icon

    This will bring back information about Host Name, OS Name, OS Version, OS Manufacturer, OS Configuration, Os Build Type, Registered Owner, Product ID, Original Install Date, Bios Version, Processor, Input Locale, Time Zone & many more.

    wmic nic get macaddress 
    wmic USERACCOUNT get Caption,Name,PasswordRequired,Status
    wmic NIC get Description,MACAddress,NetEnabled,Speed
    wmic MEMORYCHIP get Capacity,DeviceLocator,PartNumber,Tag

    These are the commands you can use in Command Prompt in order to access your system information and get the necessary details.

    Remember to run the software with Administrator privileges, otherwise, some information will be inaccessible to you.

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