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While trying to access any of the Microsoft Office apps, you may encounter this server does not support authentication protocol error. The full error reads: The server you are trying to access is using an authentication protocol not supported by this version of office.
This error can occur with the OneNote app or on OneDrive for Business during the synchronization process. Several users have reported similar issues in the Microsoft community forum as well:
I have windows 10 pro and office 2016 with this problem, it won’t syncronise ondrive buiseness nor OneDrive private , i have another pc with windows 10 home and office 2016 where syncronising works fine, please help!
If you are also troubled by this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve this error on your PC.
How do I fix the server authentification protocol error?
1. Add Office 365 account
- So, if you are getting the error with OneDrive client, open MS Word
2. Remove and re-add the accounts
- For example, start MS Word
- You also need to exit the OneDrive for Business if it is open
Try following the above steps in case the first method didn’t resolve the issue.
To make the OneDrive library sync successfully, you may have to remove all accounts that are signed in except the Office 365 account.
3. Update Microsoft Office
- Windows will download and install any pending updates for the Office
According to Microsoft, this error occurs due to a software glitch. By removing and re-adding the account, you can resolve it quickly. If not, install the latest version of Office to fix it.
Do you know any other methods to solve the issue that we may have missed out on? Let us know in the comment section below.