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Those of you that are fans of customizing your desktop are probably used to frequently changing your themes, wallpapers etc.
However, at some point you may be greeted with an error that prevents you from doing so.
This error is usually labeled: This Theme cannot be applied to the desktop Windows 10.
While not a system breaker at all, it can be quite annoying.
What prevents you from applying desktop themes?
These are the most common reasons why you may be encountering this error:
- Syncing themes across multiple accounts
- Themes or Desktop Window Manager services may not be running properly
- The Remove background images (where available) option.
What to do if you can’t apply desktop themes
1. Disable Theme Syncing across your accounts
2. Be sure that Themes and Desktop Window Manager Services are running
There is a chance you may receive an error message labeled:
Windows could not start the service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service differs from the account specified for other services running in the same process.
If that is the case:
3. Uncheck the Remove background images (where available) option
Follow these steps, you will be able to once again change your PC’s theme, and make it suit your ever-changing taste.