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If you ever found yourself asking the question How can I add text to my image inside Paint 3D? , you are going to get the answer by reading this How-to guide.
No matter if you’re trying to create a post-card for grandma, or you’re working on an art project that requires you to add text to your Paint 3D app, it is very important to know how to.
Adding text to your images is not the only step, as you will also need to know how to edit the added text.
In this How-to article, we will discuss how to add text to Paint 3D, and also how you can edit it so it fits the required style, font, size, etc. Read on to find out more.
Here’s how to add and edit the text inside the Paint 3D app
1. Follow this method to create text in Paint 3D
Note: If you want to add 3D text, you can follow the same steps, but choose the 3D text icon from the right-side menu.
Want to make a transparent background in Paint and Paint 3D? Here’s how to do it
2. Here’s how to edit the text created in the previous step
In this How-to guide, we explored the easiest way to add text to your Paint 3D project, and also how to edit it to fit your design needs. Following these steps will surely allow you to create and modify your text in any way you desire.
Please feel free to let us know if this guide made things clear for you by using the comment section below.