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If you haven’t tried Windows 10 because you don’t want to update your current version of Windows, you can easily dual boot Windows 7, or any other version of Windows, and Windows 10 Preview build. This is a relatively simple process, and today we’re going to show you how to do it properly.
How can I dual boot Windows 7 and Windows 10 Preview build?
Create new partition and download the Windows 10 ISO file
As you probably know, you can download Windows 10 for free if you are a member of Insider Program. After you’ve joined the Insider program you can download the preview build in a form of ISO file. Select the version that matches your processor, 32-bit or 64-bit, and download it. You’ll also need Windows USB/DVD Download Tool in order to create bootable USB flash drive or DVD with Windows 10 Preview build.
Before we continue any further, we have to mention that you should probably create a backup in case anything goes wrong. This is usually a relatively simple procedure, but in case something goes wrong, it’s always good to have a backup available.
After you’ve created a bootable USB flash drive, you need to create a new partition to install Windows 10 Preview build. Creating a new partition is mandatory if you want to dual boot any older version of Windows and Windows 10 Preview build. To create a new partition on your hard drive, do the following:
Now you need to enter BIOS and change the boot priority. To enter BIOS you need to keep pressing one of the F keys, Esc or Delete key while your PC boots. If you can’t find the proper key, it’s always good to check your motherboard manual for instructions.
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Once you’ve entered BIOS, you need to set your USB flash drive or DVD as the first boot device. To see how to do that, check your motherboard manual for detailed instructions. Save changes that you’ve made in BIOS. Now you can install Windows 10 Preview by following these steps:
If you wish, you can also just as easy remove Windows 10 Preview from your PC. To do that, you’ll need to follow these steps:
After you did that, Windows 10 Preview won’t be available as a boot option anymore, however, it will still remain installed on your PC. To remove it from your hard drive, you need to do the following:
Modify boot options
When you start your PC, you’ll be asked to choose between Windows 7 and Windows 10 Preview. However, you can change certain settings, and to do that, just follow these steps:
- Change the timer – Use this option to set a timer that will boot your PC to the default operating system.
- Choose a default operating system – This option allows you to choose which operating system you want to boot to after the timer runs out.
As you can see, customization of boot settings is fairly limited, but it offers enough options for most users.
As you can see, running Windows 7 and Windows 10 Preview build in dual boot mode isn’t as complicated as you think, but before you do that, make sure that you have enough space on your hard drive to run two operating systems. Here are a couple of other articles related to dual booting Windows 10: