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If you want to start using Paint 3D on your PC and feel a bit confused about how to move text and objects inside the software, you came to the right place. This is the subject we will discuss in this article.
In the past, one of the most used built-in applications was by far Paint. I remember how excited I was that I could use my old PC to create basic drawings, add colors, create shapes, etc.
In the same way, the computers evolved from 256 KB RAM memory with a Pentium 1 processor to today’s amazing specs, the Paint software has evolved as well.
The new version of this software, called Paint 3D, is a very useful tool and allows you to create various scenes, by using and manipulating both 2D and 3D objects.
Read on to find out how to move objects and text inside Paint 3D.
Here’s how to move text and objects inside Paint 3D on Windows 10
How to move text:
Want to bring objects to the front, and also move them to the back in Paint 3D? Here’s how
How to move objects:
Being able to move text and objects inside Paint 3D is very important in order for you to be able to create unique art projects.
We hope you found this guide easy to understand and to follow along.
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