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Most people use YouTube on a daily basis, but sometimes issues with YouTube can occur. For instance, many users report that YouTube videos pause at the start on Windows 10. This is an annoying problem, but you can fix it by using one of our solutions.
YouTube videos pause on start on Windows 10, how to fix it?
Solution 1 – Check your network traffic
YouTube can be demanding in terms of bandwidth, especially if you want to watch a high-definition video. If YouTube videos pause at the start, it’s most likely because YouTube is automatically adjusting the quality based on bandwidth. If you share your network connection with others, you might experience this problem.
For example, if your roommate is watching videos online or playing video games, they might be using most of your bandwidth and causing this problem. Fixing this problem isn’t simple, but you can try limiting bandwidth usage using your router. Some routers support a Quality of Service feature that allows you to easily configure your bandwidth consumption. In addition, you might want to try using bandwidth limiter tools for the same effect.
Solution 2 – Restart your device
According to users, sometimes you can fix this problem simply by restarting your PC. If YouTube videos pause at the start, it could be caused by your network configuration or by another network-related problem. If that’s the case, you can easily fix these network issues with a restart. This is probably a temporary solution, but be sure to try it anyway.
Solution 3 – Switch to a different browser
Sometimes, these types of problems are caused by software such as your browser using too many resources.
If you’re having this problem, try switching to a different browser and check if the issue persists. If the problem doesn’t appear in other browsers, it means the issue is related to your browser. To fix the problem, you might want to update your browser to its latest version and check if that solves the issue. If that doesn’t help, you’ll have to check your browser settings and find out on your own what is causing this problem to appear.
Solution 4 – Remove Adobe Flash
Another application that can cause this problem is Adobe Flash. In the past, Adobe Flash was required in order to watch videos online. However, with the adoption of HTML5, almost all video hosting websites switched to HTML5 completely and eliminated the need for Flash. If you still have Flash installed, you might want to remove it and check if that solves the problem. To do that, follow these simple steps:
After removing Flash, check if the problem with YouTube is resolved.
Solution 5 – Remove your history and cache
Several users reported cache as the source of the problem. If you want to fix the problem, it’s advised you remove it. To do that, follow these steps:
After the cache is removed, restart your browser and check if the problem is resolved. This solution applies to Google Chrome, but you can clear cache on any browser by using similar steps.
Solution 6 – Change Adblock Plus settings
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Sometimes, this problem is caused by Adblock Plus. To fix it, you need to change a few Adblock Plus settings. You can do that by following these steps:
Some users also suggest disabling EasyList, updating it, and enabling it again. This is rather simple and you just need to open AdBlock Plus options as in the steps above. After doing so, uncheck the Enabled check box next to EasyList. Click the Update now button and wait for EasyList to update. Enable EasyList again and check if the problem is resolved.
Solution 7 – Restart Adblock Plus
You might be able to fix this YouTube problem simply by restarting Adblock Plus. This is rather simple, and you can do it by following these steps:
If the problem appears only when using Adblock Plus, you might have to disable it permanently. In addition, be sure to update Adblock Plus to its latest version and check if that fixes the problem. Alternatively, you can try using a different extension for ad blocking.
Solution 8 – Reset your browser
Sometimes, this YouTube problem can be caused by your browser configuration. One of the fastest ways to fix this problem is to reset your browser to default. Doing so will remove all your browsing history, cache, extensions, etc., so be careful while using it. If your browser settings and data are stored in the cloud, you can easily restore them at any time. To reset browser settings, do the following:
After doing that, check if the YouTube problem is resolved.
Solution 9 – Disable hardware acceleration
Many applications use hardware acceleration in order to provide better performance. However, hardware acceleration can also lead to certain YouTube playback issues. To fix the problem, you need to disable hardware acceleration by doing the following:
All modern browsers have support for hardware acceleration, so be sure to disable this feature and check if that solves the issue.
Solution 10 – Wait for YouTube to resolve the issue
If this problem appears on all your devices and browsers, it’s possible there’s a server-side issue. If that’s the case, you’ll have to wait for YouTube to fix the issue on their side.
YouTube is an amazing video hosting website, but you can experience certain issues with it from time to time. If YouTube videos pause at the start, we strongly recommend that you try some of our solutions above and let us know how they worked out for you in the comments below!