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If you want to know how to open multiple images inside Paint 3D, your search is over.
In today’s how-to article we will discuss how to open multiple images in Paint 3D and combine them into one project.
Doing this properly will allow you to create great art projects and presentations, all from the user-friendly interface of Paint 3D.
Read on to find out the exact steps required.
Want to open more than one image in Paint 3D? Here’s how
Adding the first image to Paint 3D:
Note: Make sure you place the first image in such a way that you can add the other image/images as well. Once the image is set on the canvas, you will not be able to move it.
Wondering if you can use Paint 3D to convert images to black and white? Try this method
Adding the second image to your project:
We would love to know if this guide has proven helpful to you. Following the steps presented in this list will surely allow you to add as many images as you want to your Paint 3D project.
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