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A great number of Minecraft players have reported that when they try to redeem their Minecraft Windows 10 code, an error message appears saying Minecraft Windows 10 code already redeemed. This issue happens in cases in which the user has forgotten the account that he/she used to redeem the code, or, in some cases, people that never used the redeem code.
Here’s how one user on Reddit described this issue:
I’m getting back into this game and I thought I would get the free Windows 10 version from previously buying the Java version however, it says the code has already been redeemed?There is no possibility I could’ve redeemed the code as I only have one Microsoft account and I have checked the purchasing history and it is empty. Does anybody know what to do? Who do I contact about this?
This issue has caused a lot of frustration amongst Minecraft players, with endless forum pages discussions about how to fix this issue once and for all.
In case you find yourself in the same situation, please follow the steps in this article to fix the problem and get back to playing Minecraft fast.
Here’s how to fix the Minecraft Windows 10 code already redeemed error message
1. Redeem your code this way
Got problems with corrupt chunks in Minecraft? Fix them now!
2. Contact official support
In this article, we explored some of the best ways to deal with the issue caused by Minecraft Windows 10 edition code that seemed to be already redeemed.
We hope this guide helped you solve this issue. Please feel free to let us know if it did by using the comment section below.