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Western Digital is one of the biggest names in the storage industry and no wonder many Windows 8 users were looking for a dedicated touch app to download from the Windows Store. The official Western Digital app has been available for quite a while in the Windows Store but only now do we give it a thorough look.
Connecting an external hard drive to your Windows 8 device, be it a Windows 8 laptop or even a Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 tablet is really useful as you get to transfer all your files easily. At the moment, the official Western Digital app for Windows 8 users, dubbed simply “WD”, will work if you have one of the following hard drives – My Passport, My Passport Edge, WD Elements, My Book, My Book Live, My Book Live Duo, My Cloud or My Cloud EX4.
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Accessing the digital media stored on your WD external hard drives directly from your Windows 8 Start screen is now easier than ever. With just one click of our new WD app, all your content is instantly displayed and organized so you can easily browse your photos, watch your videos, play your music and share it all with friends and family. It’s just one more way WD brings your media to your fingertips.
Official Western Digital app for Windows 8 looks after your digital files
The official Windows 8 Western Digital app comes with plenty of features that will let you, first of all, have an one-touch access to your media from the Start screen. You will be able to instantly discover your media files on the connected Western Digital external drives. When you will first start up the application, you will be asked to connect any external WD drives. The app will work with your desktop and touch Windows 8 device and even with Windows RT.
The files are neatly organized and there’s also the option of sharing your files via email or social media accounts. The app is completely optimized for Windows 8.1, so you can pin it to the start screen and choose to use whatever pin tile size you want. The app has also received frequent updates, which have added a good number of important features – support for My Cloud and My Cloud EX4, enhanced Windows 8 search integration and app rotation support. Also, you can use the app in snap mode and the flat view feature will let you browse photos, videos or music much easier. Follow the link from below to get the official WD app from the Windows 8 Store.
Download Western Digital for Windows 8
Western Digital in Windows 10: what you need to know
Wester Digital Cloud has encountered some issues on Windows 10 PCs. Many users have encountered problems while accessing their WD Cloud service after upgrading to Windows 10 Anniversary update. In case you have such problems, you will find a fix guide in this article.
In case you are interested in purchasing an external drive, here are 2 lists (including WD external HDDs) which will help you choose one: