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Steam is a dominant gaming client, however, many users reported a pesky error that appears especially in connection with the Sunset Overdrive game.
Apparently, Steam thinks that the system does not meet minimum requirements. Obvisously, this is not always the case, which makes the case even more puzzling and frustrating.
Your system might meet the minimum requirements or even exceed them, but this doesn’t stop the Steam client from giving out this error.
Where can I encounter this error and what to expect?
- The most common one is Sunset Overdrive, but others can be impacted as well (Sunset Overdrive error minimum requirements)
- Witcher (The Witcher Enhanced edition minimum requirements not met, GPU does not meet minimum requirements DirectX 11 Witcher 3, Witcher 1 system requirements not met)
- New World minimum requirements error or minspec failure
- System specification requirements not met Metro Exodus
- Your GPU is below the minimum requirements (Please verify that your system meets the minimum requirements)
However, we have a list of fixes that could work for you, so let’s get started.
How to fix Minimum requirements not met Steam error?
1. Enable/disable Steam Overlay
2. Edit the registry
To fix Minimum system requirements not met error, sometimes you need to modify your registry. You can do that by following these steps:
and change the SoftwareOnly from 1 to 0.Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
and change the EmulationOnly value to 0.3. Run Steam in Compatibility Mode
In the event that you’re still facing this error, we recommend you trying to run Steam in Compatibility Mode. To do so, follow these steps:
Now check if the problem is resolved.
Read more about this topic4. Verify game files
In some rare occurrences, verifying local files can fix Minimum system requirements not met error. To do this follow these steps:
5. Reinstall your game
Sometimes when everything else fails, the best solution is to reinstall your game. To do that, follow these steps:
Additional tips:
Even if the cause is a simple error, always keep in mind to verify the minimum system requirements for any game or app you wish to run through Steam.
When in doubt, run Steam with Administrator rights, and see if that helps.
There you go, five simple solutions that can help you fix Minimum system requirements not met error Steam error. Feel free to try all of our solutions and let us know in the comments section if they worked for you.