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Windows Live Mail 2011 offers a Group Distribution function that allows users to send multiple emails in Windows Live Mail client. However, in Windows Live Mail 2012 version, this function does not work the same.
One Windows Live Mail user has reported a similar issue about not being able to find the option in the newer version of Windows Live Mail client:
When I was Secretary of a club, it was a simple matter of putting all club member’s email addresses in a group, but now it’s just having list of friends and relatives. Group listing wouldn’t help. Looking at Windows Live Mail on computer screen I’m still figuring out how to do things. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
In this article, we discuss how to send multiple emails in Windows Live Mail 2012.
How I can send multiple emails in Windows Live Mail?
1. Use the Add button to add groups
Create a group of contacts
- You can also press Ctrl + 3 to access Address book option
Using group contacts to send multiple emails
- This will open a new dialogue box called Send an Email.
Manually select the multiple contacts
As discussed earlier, Microsoft did not remove the Group Distribution feature in Windows Live Mail 2012. What they did was they simply rearranged it to make it user-friendly.
By following the steps in this article, you can send multiple emails in Windows Live Mail.
Don’t forget to leave any other questions or suggestions that you may have in the comments section below.