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Email clients often use SMTP port to download your emails from the server, but sometimes issues with SMTP port can occur.
These issues will prevent you from receiving emails, so today we’re going to show you how to fix problems with SMTP port on Windows 10.
What can I do if I have SMTP port problems? The simplest fix is to add a port number during the configuration. Usually, the issue is triggered by a faulty configuration. If that doesn’t work, then uncheck SSL encryption and add :1 after the port number.
For more info on how you can do that, check the guide below.
How can I fix SMTP port problems on Windows 10?
Solution 1 – Add a port number during the configuration
Many users reported that Windows Mail app isn’t working for them because they can’t configure SMTP port. This can be a big problem, especially if your email provider requires that you use a specific port for SMTP or POP.
However, there’s a way to deal with this issue. To fix the problem, you just need to add your email account again along with the required port.
This is rather simple, and you can do it by following these steps:
After adding your account again and entering the port number manually, the problem with SMTP port will be completely resolved.
Solution 2 – Uncheck SSL encryption
SSL encryption is useful if you need to protect your data from malicious users, so it’s no wonder that many websites use this feature.
However, some issues with SSL can occur and in order to fix the problem with SMTP port, you need to disable SSL for your account.
To do that, follow these steps:
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Disabling SSL can be a security risk, so use this solution only as a temporary workaround. As we already mentioned, SSL protects your data from malicious users, so it’s always recommended to use it.
Solution 3 – Change the port address
In Solution 1 we showed you how to add a new email account with a specific port, but sometimes you need to change the SMTP port in order to fix the problem.
Users reported that the issue was resolved after using :465 or :2525 as a SMTP port. Although these ports work for some users, it’s recommended to use the ports that were given to you by your email provider.
Solution 4 – Add :1 after the port number
Few users reported that you can fix the problem with SMTP port on your PC simply by adding :1 after the port number. By doing so, your SMTP address will look like
Of course, be sure to use the SMTP address and port number assigned to you by your email provider. By adding :1 after the port number, you’ll force the client to use SSL connection.
As we already mentioned, SSL connection will encrypt your data and keep it safe from malicious users.
Solution 5 – Remove your email account and add it again
According to users, issues with SMTP port are fixed in one of the updates. If you still have the problem, you need to remove your account and add it again.
This is rather simple, and in order to do it, you need to follow these steps:
After deleting your account, you need to add it again by following the similar steps to the ones we used in Solution 1. After your account is added again, issues with SMTP port should be resolved completely.
Problems with SMTP port will prevent you from receiving emails, but you should be able to fix the these issues by using one of our solutions.
If you bumped in to another viable solution that helped you solve the SMPT port problems on Windows 10, please leave it in the comments section below along with any other questions you may have.