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No PC gamer alive can call himself a true PC gamer if they haven’t tried a game from Ubisoft.
Of course, trends continue and the market for distributing games digitally is ever-changing.
That’s how game distribution platforms like Uplay, Origin, Steam, Epic Games Store or GOG came to be.
Uplay is Ubisoft‘s very own digital distribution platform of all content related to Ubisoft.
Here you can download games, DLCs, check Ubisoft-related news, and chat with other Uplay users.
However, no game distribution platform is perfect, and Uplay has its own fair share of issues.
One such issue is an error message some players are facing when trying to launch a game from Uplay.
Speculations regarding the matter were soon to follow up on the official forums:
[…]it seems the game failed to communicate with UPlay, this error message is from the game not UPlay itself, most probably a spyware/AV is blocking ACS process to inject uplay hook, so check that and restart UPlay as admin
Following the suggestions on the forum, this article sums up a few solutions that could help you if you’re facing the same error message.
Uplay is installed but PC says it’s not
1. Uninstall Uplay and Re-install Uplay
Keep note that when you uninstall Uplay, you need to back-up the save files for your locally stored single-player games.
2. Disable your antivirus program while running a Uplay title
Ho you do this varies depending on the antivirus client you are using.
Head over to your antivirus manufacturer’s homepage to see the exact steps.
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3. Run Uplay with administrator rights
4. Reboot your router
Turn off your router, keep it deactivated for around one minute, then activate it again.
If this doesn’t work, try to connect to the Internet directly through the cable, bypassing the router.
5. Disable any proxy or VPN
Make sure you disable the Work with Proxy settings in the Uplay client.
Additionally, try not to use any VPNs when launching Uplay, since that may cause issues.
6. Keep pressing Log in
In some cases, the error could be cause by a momentary mishap of communication. Sometimes persisting in pressing the log in button may work.