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BS Player is a popular multimedia player, but many users reported that BS Player won’t download subtitles. The media player says that it checking for subtitles and then stops, saying that no subtitles were found.
Here’s how one user described this issue on BS Player forums:
I am not sure what happened, but BS.Player will no longer download online subtitles. It always says it is checking for subtitles and then immediately says there are none found.
In order to fix this issue, we managed to come up with a few solutions that you should try.
What to do if BS Player isn’t downloading subtitles?
1. Reinstall BS Player
To ensure that BS Player is completely removed, we suggest using uninstaller software to remove all files associated with BS Player.
2. Check your Internet connection
3. Run as administrator
4. Update BS Player
5. Try running VLC Player
We hope that you could find at least one of our solutions to fix the BS player subtitles issue. If you know any other working solutions, feel free to recommend them in the comment section below.