Windows 10 S vs Windows 10 Pro feature comparison: Which OS to buy

April 2023 · 2 minute read
Windows 10 S Firstline

Windows 10 S is Microsoft’s newest operating system designed for teachers, students and customers who need to access only certain core programs.

Windows 10 S is lightweight and streamlined, and is also designed to boot up quickly. In this manner, teachers and students no longer waste precious minutes waiting for their computers to boot up.

However, many potential users are a bit confused, not knowing which Windows 10 version to install on their computers. Indeed, there are significant differences between the various Windows 10 version currently available on the market.

In order to help you decided which Windows 10 version to buy, we’re going to quickly compare Windows 10 S’ feature to Windows 10 Pro’s features.

Windows 10 S vs Windows 10 Pro

Productivity and user experience

In terms of productivity and user experience, there is only one difference. Cortana is available on Windows 10 Pro, but it’s disabled on the Education edition. The following features are available on both Windows 10 S and Windows 10 Pro:

Management and deployment

Windows 10 S offers five extra device and app management and deployment features, compared to Windows 10 Pro:

The following features are available on both Windows 10 S and Windows 10 Pro:

Security features

In terms of security features, Window 10 S offers two extra features: Credential Guard and Device Guard. All the other Windows 10 Pro security features are also available on Windows 10 S.

Core Windows features

Windows 10 S scores higher on core Windows features. More specifically, the new OS supports Windows to Go and BranchCache, whereas Windows 10 Pro doesn’t.

If you still need help deciding, Microsoft has implemented a new selection system for Windows 10 on its website. All you need to do is answer a series of questions and Microsoft will recommend you the Windows 10 that best suits their needs.

What do you think about Windows 10 S? Are you planning to check it anytime soon?

