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Streaming music from your Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 device to your Xbox One is now simpler than ever. All you need to do is install Groove Music, run the latest Xbox One OS and download Stream What You Hear on your Windows PC.
Xbox One now supports background audio, which means you can listen to your favorite tracks while playing the latest games on the console. You can also install one of these Xbox One background audio apps to get the job done, but if you want to stream music from your Windows computer or tablet to your console, you can follow the steps listed below.
How to stream music to your Xbox One console
Wait for a couple of seconds, and your Windows computer will stream music to your Xbox One console, with Groove Music in the background. Once the connection is established, you can mute sound on your Windows device. Stream What You Hear transfers sound directly from your machine.
In the case Groove Music doesn’t play any sound, select your Xbox One again. You can also pause and resume music in the Groove Music app, reboot your console or close Groove Music to fix this issue.
You can use this method to stream Spotify from your computer to your Xbox One console. Spotify doesn’t offer support for Xbox One yet, but you can use third-party apps to get the job done.