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Since Microsoft no longer supports Windows 7, it is only natural that the general public directs its attention to the next suitable OS available, and that is Windows 10.
While those that are part of business environments can always simply opt for the Windows 7 Extended Support for business, this is only a temporary solution, so migrating to Windows 10 is your only viable long-term solution.
With the change in OS, you may also feel the need to make a change in the way your partitions are set. For example, when migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10, you may also want to change your disks from MBR to GPT.
That is why we’ve created this step-by-step guide that will show you precisely how you can convert your MBR disk to GPT, and be prepared for the OS migration.
How do I convert a Windows 7 MBR to a Windows 10 GPT?
Note: It is advised that you backup all of your data before the migration, or at least after the migration, in case one of the methods listed below fail and cause data loss.
1. Use EaseUS Partition Master
EaseUS Partition Master is one of the biggest names in disk partition tools on the market, and for good reason:
- You don’t need to delete your volumes in order to convert your disks from MBR to GPT
- You can create a bootable media to convert MBR to GPT without operating system or during Windows installation
This is how you convert a disk from MBR to GPT without data loss:
This method is by far the most efficient, as you don’t need to wipe your disks clean, perform any backups. Additionally, you can even use the bootable media created with this tool to make the conversion while you are upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
2. Use DiskPart
Back up your disk and then follow the steps below to convert your MBR disk to GPT.
- list disk
- select disk disknumber
- clean
- convert gpt
Note: You can use this method even during the Windows 10 install process, as you also have access to the Command Prompt from there.
3. Use Disk Management
Back up your disk and then follow the steps below to convert your MBR disk to GPT.
- Do this until you have deleted all volumes
Microsoft has provided a software solution called MBR2GPT.EXE, but it is only available in the Windows Creator’s Update. It is far more complicated than the solutions listed above, and if you want more info, check out Microsoft’s documentation page on the matter.
By following these methods, you should be able to convert your disk from MBR to GPT, and be ready to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 all at the same time.
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