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A large number of users have reported that their PS4 Exclusive Mode in Windows 10 has stopped working after a Windows update.
This can be extremely frustrating, as you might find yourself in a situation in which you can not play your favorite PS4 games with the settings that you’ve set.
This issue is most likely caused by interference between the updated files of Windows 10 and the registry setup for the Exclusive Mode inside DS4Windows application.
For these reasons, in this article, we will explore the best way to deal with this issue and get back to your gaming asap. Follow the steps closely to achieve that.
How to fix PS4 controller Exclusive Mode problems?
1. Get the latest HIDGuardian
2. Change properties for your controller
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3. Use Registry Editor to modify values
Note: Please make sure that the code lines you are pasting inside the AffectedDevices value data box are using one line per line of text, and make sure the last line is left blank.
4. Make sure your antivirus/firewall is not blocking access
Note: If you’re using a third-party antivirus, you’ll need to change the settings form that application as well.
In this article, we explored some of the best methods to deal with the PS4 controller Exclusive Mode not working on Windows 10.
Please let us know if this guide helped you solve your issue by using the comment section found below.