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Killing Floor 2 is one of the most popular games on Steam at the moment. Your main task is to fight vicious waves of zombies, and prepare your strategy to face powerful bosses and kill them as quickly as possible.
According to gamers’ reports, Killing Floor 2 is affected by many issues. Fortunately, for some of them, there are various workarounds available, and Tripwire Interactive is also working at full trust to roll out a patch and improve the gaming experience as soon as possible.
If you’re experiencing black screen issues, start up crashes or Bugsplat errors, you can use the solutions listed below to fix them.
Here’s how to fix Killing Floor 2 launch issues and black screen bugs
1. Navigate to: C:\Users\[your name]\Documents\My Games. Delete the KillingFloor2 folder. Try launching the game again.
2. Disconnect any controllers you may use and try playing the game now.
3. On the taskbar, double-click the NVIDIA Settings icon > select Manage 3D Settings if it isn’t already selected. Now, on the right-side, go to the Program Settings tab.
3.1. If you only see two groupings (#1 and #2), there’s no need to make any changes.
3.2. If you see three groupings (#1, #2, and a #3), then manually add Killing Floor 2 to #1, then make it use the high performance GPU.
4. Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > uninstall NVIDIA Physx.
Then go to: \Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\_CommonRedist\PhysX\9.14.0702 and run the Physx installer. Try playing the game now and see if it works.
5. Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs. Uninstall all versions of 2010 Microsoft C++ Redistribs/ 2012 Microsoft C++ Redistribs.
Go to: Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\_CommonRedist\vcredist.
In the 2010 folder, install the x64 version, and right-click Run as admin.
In the 2012 folder, install the x64 version, and right-click Run as admin.
These solutions can be used by all Killing Floor 2 gamers. Power users can also check out the workarounds listed in the “Advanced solutions” section of this Steam thread.