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A number of users have reported that their Motorola Droid Turbo is not showing up on the computer. This issue can be extremely frustrating, as this doesn’t allow you to transfer files from the device to your PC.
In most of the cases we researched, it seems that the issue is not with the phone itself but probably caused by a conflict between the phone drivers and your PC.
For these reasons, in today’s article, we will explore some of the best troubleshooting methods to deal with this issue. Read on to find out more.
How do I get my Motorola Droid to connect to my computer?
1. Download the latest USB drivers
In addition, you can ease your work by installing your USB drivers automatically with dedicated software. You can manage any driver easily using specialized support for updating or fixing your drivers with DriverFix
2. Check the USB settings on your phone
3. Check the antivirus software/windows firewall on your PC
Note: In case you are using antivirus software with an included firewall service, you will need to open it and allow all connections for the USB drivers installed earlier.
4. Use the phone’s Safe Mode when connecting through USB
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