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HoloLens is a pair of smart glasses developed by Microsoft. They provide a mixed reality environment where digital objects can interact with physical items.
It is a popular device for many users and tech enthusiasts all around the world. However, not all is perfect with HoloLens.
Quite a few people reported a major issue with Microsoft’s product: HoloLens won’t turn on. Fortunately, the issue is not as serious as it seems.
Today we will show you what to do if HoloLens doesn’t turn on.
What can I do if HoloLens won’t start?
1. Check the battery level
Sometimes, you forget to watch the battery level. We all do this with many devices. So, check if HoloLens has enough power to start.
2. Restart HoloLens
If your device is charged but won’t turn on, try a restart by following the steps below.
If this method doesn’t work, try force restarting HoloLens.
3. Reset the device
If the solution above doesn’t work, reset HoloLens. Resetting the device will keep the Windows Holographic software but will set all the options to factory default.
Epic guide alert! Everything you need to know about the HoloLens emulator is right here!
4. Recover with the Windows Recovery Tool
This method might take some time. Try the methods above before trying this one.
As you can see, you can try several solutions to fix your problem with HoloLens. Check if the battery level is up. If your HoloLens has enough power, restart, reset or recover your device with the Windows Recovery Tool.
Keep in mind that you should follow this specific order. It is recommended that you try a simpler method (such as restarting the device), before you go to a more technical solution (such as using Windows Recovery Tool).
Did our solutions help you? Did you find another way to fix the problem? Do let us know in the comments section below!