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In October 2019, users started posting on the Symantec support forum about an Aw Snap error that arises in Chrome when they start the browser.
The Aw Snap crash error isn’t something new. However, in this case, it occurs because Chrome 78 and 79 are not compatible with Symantec Endpoint Security software versions.
The incompatibility issue arises on any Windows platform that includes a Symantec Endpoint version that predates 14.2 RU2 MP1.
The issue largely pertains to Windows 2016 and Windows 10 RS1 platforms with SEP and Google Chrome browsers installed. Note, however, that Edge Chromium 78 and 79 are also incompatible with Symantec Endpoint Protection.
How can I fix Chrome’s incompatibility with Symantec Endpoint?
1. Update Symantec Endpoint Protection
Symantec’s official fix for SEP’s Chrome incompatibility is to update Symantec Endpoint to the latest 14.2 version.
You can get the latest patch update for Endpoint Protection (build 5569) from the RU2 MP1 client-only patches page. That page includes instructions for how you can download the latest patch and update the software with it.
2. Deactivate Chrome’s renderer code
3. Edit the registry
If you have issues opening the Registry Editor, check out this detailed guide for some quick fixes.
4. Launch Chrome with no sandbox
Edit Chrome’s exe file title
Those are a few of the resolutions confirmed to fix Google Chrome’s Aw Snap incompatibility error with Symantec Endpoint.
Remember, however, that you can always switch to browsers that don’t have any compatibility issues with Endpoint Protection, such as Firefox or Opera.
Which one of the many solutions listed above fixed the issue for you? Let us know by leaving a message in the comment scetion below.