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Some owners of the Asus Taichi device have been complaining that their dual screen isn’t functioning normally anymore after making the upgrade to Windows 8.1. Find more details on this below.
Hello! I have had my Asus Taichi 31 for about a month, and since I have updated to Windows 8.1, the touch screen has not worked. Only the normal screen works. I’ve tried googling a fix, but I am not very tech savvy at all and have had difficulties finding solutions. Apparently it might have something to do with Windows 8.1 updating Intel to 9.18 or something? I would love some help – but try to explain it in very simple terms please!
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As you saw above, that’s what the affected owner of an Asus Taichi has been saying, so if you have found yourself in the same situation and are looking for some potential fixes, follow the easy steps from below.
How to fix dual screen problems in Windows 8.1 on Asus Taichi
First of all, make sure that you’re running all the latest audio and video drivers related to your specific device, but also that you have done the same to Windows with the Update function. If so, then follow this:
Try the troubleshooter
Tweak the touch screen drivers
Now, this should do it. If you know of another working method, don’t hesitate and let us know by leaving your comment in the box from below.
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