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Some Windows OS processes can result in high CPU usage thus slowing down your computer. .NET runtime optimization service high CPU usage issue is among the most reported problems in the Microsoft community forum:
About 8 weeks ago my Windows 7 started experiencing the mscorsvw.exe service utilizing high memory usage, usually around 9 GB with 50% or more CPU usage. When this happens my system slows to a crawl and I have to wait (sometimes for hours) for the service to complete.
If you are also troubled by this issue, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve it.
How can I fix .NET runtime optimization service high CPU issue?
1. Optimize the .NET framework process
For 32-bit:
cd c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319
For 64-bit:
cd c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319
ngen.exe executequeueditems
The above command will help you to optimize the process allowing it to make use of more CPU cores so that it can finish the process faster.
2. Check for malware infection
Malicious programs usually hide in plain sight and look like normal system processes while getting a hold of your system’s resources. By performing a complete scan, you can find and remove any infection from your computer.
If you’re looking for the best antivirus solution to protect your Windows 10 PC, check out this list with the best options you have at this moment.
3. Restart NVIDIA Telemetry Container
Note: This step only applies to the computer that has the NVIDIA graphics card installed.
The .NET runtime optimization service is an essential Windows service and mostly goes away once it is done. However, in case it does not go away, you can follow the steps in this article to fix the high CPU usage issue caused by the process in Windows.
If you have any other questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach in the comments section below.