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4 solutions to fix Lenovo touchpad problems
Often people are having issues with their touchpads, so it’s not uncommon to see Lenovo E420 touchpad issues on Windows 10. If you’re having issues with your Lenovo Thinkpad E420 laptop you might want to have a look at our solutions.
Steps to fix Lenovo E420 touchpad bugs on Windows 10
Touchpad issues are relatively common. Speaking of which, some Lenovo Thinkpad E420 users are reporting that their touchpad isn’t working properly on Windows 10. This can be a big problem if you rely on your touchpad as an only input device and you don’t use a USB mouse. Although this is quite a problem, you can fix it by following these simple solutions.
Solution 1 – Update your OS and touchpad drivers
Before we start we strongly advise you that you keep your Windows 10 up to date in order to eliminate any compatibility issues. At the same time, make sure that you download latest drivers for your Lenovo Thinkpad E420 laptop.
If there are Windows 10 drivers available, make sure that you download them,. If Lenovo hasn’t released Windows 10 drivers, just download the latest ones.
If this doesn’t resolve your touchpad issues you might want to try something else.
Solution 2 – Run SynTPEhn.exe and SynTPHelper.exe in Compatibility mode for Windows 7
Solution 3 – Run the Hardware & Devices troubleshooter
If the problem didn’t go away, you can run Windows 10’s built-in Hardware & Devices troubleshooter. To do that, go to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot and run the tool.
Solution 4 – Additional solutions
If you still can’t use your Lenovo touchpad, here are some additional troubleshooting methods to use:
- Unplug other USB devices which may be interfering with your touchpad.
- Change Power Management options and test different option to see which one works for you.
- Run SFC scan by opening Command Prompt as an administrator, type sfc /scannow and hit Enter. Restart your computer and check if this solved the issue.
As you can see, Lenovo E420 touchpad issues can cause a lot of problems. We hope that our solutions proved helpful.