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There are a lot of users who are just unplugging USB without disabling it first in the “Safely remove hardware and eject media” menu. Others will use this option to prevent possible issues with a USB flash drive or external HDD. However, some of them were unable to safely remove a USB Mass Storage drive as the “Windows is unable to stop the device…” prompt appeared, informing the about USB Mass Storage still being in use.
We made sure to provide you with some solutions for the problem at hand.
What to do if Windows is unable to stop the device
Solution 1 – Check the background applications
As the prompt itself points out, there seems to be a background process using the USB Mass Storage as you try to eject it. Now, even though you’re quite sure that there are no background processes preventing ejection, it’s still advised to double-check in the Task Manager. Some applications will work in the background even if they are seemingly closed.
In addition, if you’re a Windows 10 user, you can easily determine which process is using the USB Mass Storage with the System Event Log. System Event Log keeps track of all errors and prompts and provides a user with in-detail reports about errors. If you’re not sure where to find it, follow the steps we enlisted below:
Solution 2 – Restart Explorer.exe
If the issue is persistent even after you’ve killed the process, the problem might lie in the Explorer. Explorer.exe tends to prevent the USB Mass Storage from ejecting, as well. Some users were able to safely remove external storage by restarting the process. This can be done through the Task Manager.
Here’s how to do it:
Solution 3 – Check for storage errors
Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.
Another thing worth checking in order to avoid future issues is disc corruption. The system should offer you repairs the moment you plug the USB Mass Storage in a USB port. If you’ve ignored it until now, we suggest to use it. On the other hand, even if the system doesn’t recognize drive errors, you can scan for errors on your own.
Here’s how to scan external storage for errors:
Solution 4 – Disable background processes
With the System Event Log, you should be able to identify the exact application which is using the USB Mass Storage. However, the easiest way (although a bit too restrictive for some) to resolve inflictions of background applications is by the Clean Boot sequence. This procedure kills off all non-system services and it should resolve the “Windows is unable to stop the device…” error so you can unplug your USB Mass Storage.
Here’s how to disable background services and, hopefully, resolve the issue at hand:
Solution 5 – Format USB Mass Storage and start from a scratch
Finally, if you’re unable to resolve this issue with any of the previous steps, we suggest backing up and formatting your USB Mass Storage. This might be a drag, especially if you have a ton of data to back up. However, this is the safest way to avoid further issues with that particular drive.
With that said, we can conclude this article. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the “Windows is unable to stop the device…” error, feel free to tell us in the comments section below.