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If the printer has multiple print jobs in the queue, it may show a pending deletion printer error, documents waiting error in the print box on the status line.
Several users have reported similar errors in the Microsoft community forum.
Have just one HP 4L printer, but is appearing on my printer list twice,4Land4L Copy 1.
The 4L Copy 1, has 5 documents in its queue, but its status is : Offline – Pending deletion. (What does pending deletion mean?)
If you are also troubled by this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the pending deletion printer error in Windows.
How to resolve pending deletion printer error?
1. Remove the print queue
- The UAC may ask you to provide admin access. Click Yes to proceed.
- C:\Windows\System32\Spool\printers
2. Run printer troubleshooter
3. Reinstall printer drivers
- Upon restart, Windows will reinstall the driver, and that should resolve any issues with the printer.
A computer cannot manage video cards, computer programs, sound cards, or other hardware; they must be managed by a driver. If you are completely familiar with the drivers your PC requires, you can update them manually.
If you don’t have time to search for the best driver, an alternative is to use a driver updater tool, which can detect obsolete, missing, or corrupted drivers.
This type of tool, such as DriverFix, not only downloads and installs drivers, but also manages them by troubleshooting, backing up, and restoring them. Try it out for yourself and see how easily it flows.
4. Remove the printer
4.1 Add the printer
If the issue persists, go to Start > Settings > Update and Security. Download and install pending Windows updates to download additional drivers for the printer.
The pending deletion printer error is a common problem that can be resolved by restarting the Print Spooler service. However, if the issue persists, follow other steps in this article to get your printer working again in no time.
If you found our article useful, let us know which method worked best for you by leaving your feedback in the comments section below.