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A number of users have reported that their Microsoft Whiteboard application doesn’t work anymore. This issue can cause you a lot of trouble, especially if you need to access the Whiteboard app of your company in Office 365.
Here is what one user had to say about this problem on Microsoft Forums:
When I try to sign in to the application, I get an error stating I am not connected to the internet. I am connected and cannot get past this error. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. No success. Any ideas?
Some users have reported that the app was working fine and suddenly stopped. Others say that they have trouble signing in.
For these reasons, in today’s article, we will explore some of the best troubleshooting methods available. Please follow the steps carefully to avoid any other issues.
What to do if Microsoft Whiteboard isn’t working
1. Make sure the service is turned on
Note: If you are not your company’s IT Office 365 administrator, you can contact that person to perform the steps mentioned above.
2. Allow access to the Whiteboard app through your firewall
Note: If you use Windows Defender Firewall you can follow the steps exactly. If you’re using the firewall service from third-party antivirus software, you will need to change the settings there.
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3. Remove your account and add it again
Another method that helped some of the users to deal with this issue, is to simply remove your corporate account from the application, and then add it again.
4. Uninstall and re-install the app
In this article, we explored some of the best methods to deal with this issue. We hope you solved the problem.
Please feel free to let us know if this guide helped you by using the comment section below.