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You struggled for a few minutes to make the file download dialog box appear in Windows 10 to no avail. Chances are you’ve accidentally unchecked the Always ask before opening this type of file in the file download dialog box.
Well, when you first download a file, this file download prompt should normally display. If you happen to clear the checkbox mentioned above, your choice will be automatically made every time you download the same type of file.
Moreover, the prompt will no longer be displayed. This preference is saved in the user part of the registry. Also, the configuration is stored in a separate registry value for each file type.
In this article, we list the best solutions for the missing file download box in Windows 10. Just keep on reading to figure out what your next move should be.
Steps to fix file download dialog box is not appearing in Windows 10
1. Reset the dialog box to default
If you have disabled Always ask before opening this type of file during previous file downloads, then apply the above steps to correct that. You should then see the file download prompt each time you download that type of file.
Interested in resetting the Always ask before opening this type of file choice for all file types? Just use the reg.exe command-line tool to make that happen.
To be more precise, open a Command Prompt window (CMD.EXE) and type:
reg delete "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellAttachmentExecute{0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" /va /f
2. Enable Automatic prompting for file downloads
Local intranet
Trusted sites
Restricted sites
Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
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Still having trouble? Follow these detailed steps to allow the download dialog prompt to reappear. Don’t hesitate to close all Internet Explorer windows, then open Internet Explorer back and attempt the download again.
3. Try resetting Internet Explorer
You can’t open Control Panel? Take a look at this step-by-step guide to find a solution.
4. Perform a clean boot environment
Can’t open Task Manager? Don’t worry, we’ve got the right solution for you.
If this fails to resolve the issue, you can also try performing a clean boot of Windows 10. You just need to be signed in as an administrator on your PC to be able to access these settings.
Note that your computer may temporarily lose some functionality when performing a clean boot. However, when you start it normally, the functionality returns.
In light of all these fixes, many of which have been proven to work several times before, it goes to show that you shouldn’t feel stuck on this file download error.
Which of the above procedures worked for you? Leave your answer and any other questions or suggestions in the comments area below.