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The days when a little bit of extra storage meant buying a bigger hard drive or adding an external one to your inventory are long gone. Nowadays, cloud storage is the way to go.
While it may sound unsafe, it is evolving to become faster, safer, and overall better year after year, all while maintaining a relatively low price.
One good example of a great cloud storage service is Microsoft’s very own OneDrive.
Of course, one staple of cloud storage is the ability to share files and folders with other users via a specialized URL. This allows them to access the files and folders as if they were their own, but nothing else. This allows great freedom when it comes to file sharing.
However, not everyone knows how to share something in OneDrive, and that is why we’ve created this article to guide you in a step-by-step manner.
Don’t like OneDrive? Check out these great alternatives!
How can I share a OneDrive file or folder with someone?
- You need to sign in with your Microsoft account or your work or school account
- You can do this by selecting the circle in the upper corner of the item
- Multiple files or folders can be picked and shared together as well
Keep in mind that depending on the options that you select, people who have access to the files and folders can do a wide variety of things.
If you allow editing, recipients will be able to add, edit or delete items from the folder that you have shared. Additionally, they will be able to forward the link to others, change permission settings and more.
You can also set an expiration date, after which the link will no longer be valid. Finally, you can also set a password so that when a user checks in the link, they will need to input a password in order to go any further.
By following these steps, you should be able to make the entire or only part of the content of your OneDrive accessible to anyone.
Do you think sharing your cloud storage is a good idea? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.