Monese not working? Here are the most common reasons why

April 2023 · 4 minute read
monese not working


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  • If you’re looking for current accounts and money transfer services as an alternative to traditional banks, then Monese is a service you should definitely consider. In many aspects, Monese is very similar to other financial services, such as Revolut, PayPal, or Payoneer.

    Unfortunately, Monese, as well as all the other mentioned services all have one thing in common: they are electronic payment systems. This means they run using computers, servers, and, of course, the Internet.

    Like pretty much any service that runs electronically, Monese is bound to experience the occasional downtimes.

    What can I do if Monese isn’t working?

    1. Check if the problem is the Monese mobile app

    Portability is one of Monese’s selling points, that is why many users use it in conjunction with the mobile app.

    As such, some issues may come from the app itself:

    2. Check if the problem is the browser you use when going to Monese’s website

    All transactions that can be done from the mobile app can be done from Monese’s website as well.

    Because of this, having a good browser can eliminate a lot of possible issues.

    If you’re having problems with Monese and think that your browser is to blame, consider doing one of the following:

    If you notice that Monese still doesn’t work even after checking all the variables mentioned above and below, then maybe you should consider closing it and switching to an alternative.

    If you don’t want to give up your virtual credit card provider, switching to another one may get you out of this jam for the time being. The advantage of using a virtual credit card number is that you can do it independently for each subscriber.

    If one of your virtual card numbers is compromised as a result of a data breach, or if a single payee fails to cancel anything that you did not want to auto-renew, you can disable that virtual number only.

    Choosing another service, even if only temporarily, will help you complete your transactions and save you time while the Monese issue is rectified.

    3. Check if the Monese services are down

    First of all, make sure that Monese is actually down by visiting their status website. Here you can see all of their listed services, as well as their operational status.

    These include:

    If any of these systems have anything else other than Operational written next to them, it means you can do pretty much anything with Monese, except that.

    Additionally, you can use the same website to see a log of past issues, so that you can check whether there were problems in the past that may have affected you as well.

    Are you also having problems with the Monese service? Please share your experiences with us in the comments section below.
