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Those of you that work in an office environment most probably have access to an entire host of products that ease your work.
For example, having a subscription to the Microsoft Office suite can be very beneficial, since it comes with pretty much all the tools you may ever need.
This includes access to a personal information manager and email client named Microsoft Outlook.
However, keep in mind that managing work environments is made easier when using Group Policies, since these are policies applied from a singular administrator account, and applies to all PCs in a workspace.
However, one thing you must know about using Outlook is that its Security Mode must be configured to use Group Policy settings. Additionally, security settings need to be configured anyway for the general health and safety of your PC.
How do I configure Outlook security settings?
1. Make Outlook security settings compliant with Group Policies
- HKCU\Software\Policies\MicrosoftOffice\16.0\outlook\security
Having trouble accessing the Registry Editor? Check out this in-depth article for more information on the matter.
2. Configure Outlook security settings for personal use
2.1 Set Outlook as an Internet Zone
2.2 Customize Zone Settings
Note: Solutions 2.1 and 2.2 help with seeing Active X content directly into the email
Got tired of Outlook? Check out this article for some great alternatives
2.3 Disable program access warnings
- Only administrators can change this setting
- This will disable the warning messages
By following this step, you can disable the displaying of warnings stating that a program is trying to access email address information or send messages on your behalf.
These are the most common security settings and scenarios you may ever meet when using Outlook. By following these steps, you should no longer encounter any of these issues.
If you’re aware of any other Outlook security settings that may need solving, share it in the comments section below and we will discuss it in the future.