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Chromebooks don’t officially support Windows, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot run Windows on a Chromebook. Let us assure you that there are a couple of workarounds to use Windows desktop programs on a Chromebook too.
Google is constantly updating its Chrome OS with new features, but it cannot be compared to Windows, Mac, or even some Linux distributions. That’s why this thought of running Windows 10 on your Chromebook gives you no peace of mind.
Even if Chromebooks ship with a special type of BIOS designed for Chrome OS, you can install Windows on many Chromebook models. We just hope you’re not afraid of those unofficial ways to run Windows.
However, if getting your hands dirty isn’t the best option for you, access to the Office suite might sound like a great alternative. Here we’ll give you detailed steps for both options.
How can I run Windows 10 on a Chromebook?
1. Get the Office suite
If you’re only after getting the Office suite, that’s the easiest solution we’re recommending. Be though prepared for giving up on all other apps offered on Windows 10.
2. Install Windows on your compatible Chromebook
Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.
Note: Windows doesn’t ship with hardware drivers for various pieces of hardware incorporated into many Chromebooks. Look for third-party drivers that could give Windows support for these components.
As you can see above, you need to install a replacement BIOS for your Chromebook. This can only be done on supported Chromebook models, so first check if your Chromebook is supported or not.
A PC running Windows to create the USB installation media is not optional either. Moreover, the built-in keyboard and mouse of your Chromebook won’t work in the installer. So, you’ll also need a USB keyboard and mouse to complete the installation.
No less important, you’re obviously about to wipe your Chromebook. Make sure not to take any action before backing up anything important stored on it.
Have you successfully completed the above procedure? Remember that we’re here to answer any questions you might have. Just reach for the comments section below.