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The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update introduces a series of new features and improvements dedicated to gamers. Microsoft will launch this new Windows version this September, but if you’re curious to try out the new features you can enroll in the Windows Insider Program.
Xbox Networking
The Fall Creators Update brings a new gaming feature to PC users in the Xbox Networking section of the Settings page, which allows PC gamers to quickly identify and resolve issues preventing them from using voice chat and playing multiplayer games with other Xbox Live users.
To access this new option, go to Settings > Gaming > select Xbox Networking.
This new feature automatically checks if there are any elements preventing you from joining multiplayer games or chatting with other Xbox players. If the system detects any issues, you can press the ‘Fix it‘ button to solve them.
Chat and multiplayer issues are perhaps the most common problems affecting PC and Xbox One gamers. Thanks to the new Xbox Networking feature, you can now fix these issues by clicking on the ‘Fix it’ button.
If you’re not planning to upgrade to the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, here’s how you can fix in-game chat issues on older Windows versions:
1. Check your default audio devices:
2. Check your drivers:
3. Disable app exclusive control for audio devices:
4. Disable background apps:
In some occasions, background applications can interfere with the in-game audio. To prevent potential conflicts, be sure to disable them before you start your game.
5. Reinstall the game client
The last resort for malfunctioning software of any kind is reinstalling.
READ ALSO: Fix: Xbox One Multiplayer won’t work