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After upgrading from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 users are facing various problems, and it seems that the mouse pointer disappears on Windows 10 for some users. But don’t worry about solving this problem is very easy, and you should not stress about it, because in this article, you’ll find a solution for your mouse cursor issues.
My mouse pointer disappeared, how to get it back?
Solution 1: Open Task Manager
This is the simplest solution to the problem, but it is also probably the most effective. If you restarted your computer and mouse cursor is still gone, the only thing you should do is to press CTRL, ALT, and DEL on your keyboard to open Task Manager. As soon as you open Task Manager, your mouse pointer should appear again.
Solution 2: Edit the Registry
If the Task Manager solution didn’t work for you, you can try to edit one particular registry entry. Here is how you do it:
Solution 3: Use the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter
You can use Windows 10’s built-in Hardware and Devices troubleshooter to fix any hardware-related problems, including mouse issues. All you need to do is navigate to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot and run the troubleshooter.
If your mouse pointer still disappears on Windows 10, tell us in the comments section. We would love to try to find another fix and help you find the right solution for your mouse cursor problems.