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Steam is the most popular gaming platform on PC, but many users reported Steam browser error 137 while using Steam. This error can prevent you from accessing certain features, and in today’s article, we’ll show you how to fix it.
How can I fix Steam browser error 137 on my PC?
1. Use Google DNS
Some users are also suggesting to set Google DNS for IPv6. To do that, just follow these steps:
- Preferred DNS server: 2001:4860:4860::8888
- Alternate DNS server: 2001:4860:4860::8844
Save changes and restart your network connection.
2. Check your antivirus/firewall
If you want to avoid these kinds of problems in the future, we suggest that you consider ESET Internet Security.
With this robust antivirus software, you can keep your PC completely secure and not block any other services, including Steam games.
3. Run ipconfig /flushdns command
There you go, three simple solutions that might help you fix Steam browser error 137 on your PC. If our solutions worked for you, feel free to let us know in the comments section below.