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Users have encountered the error message VMware not allowed in the current state while trying to use VMWare normally.
This issue seems to be caused by a variety of issues. In some cases, the error is produced after users tried to create a snapshot of their VMs.
In other cases, this error appears when users attempt to shut down the vCenter Server before it detects the ESXi host. Some users experienced this error when simply trying to start a virtual machine from the vCenter Server.
The variety of reasons for which this error occurs makes it a bit more complicated to solve it, but our team at Windows Report has scoured the internet for the best method to try out.
In this article, we will explore the results found by our team’s research, and will provide you with a comprehensive guide to resolve this problem once and for all. Read on to find out more.
Seeing the error not allowed in the current state on VMWare? Try this
1. Restart the management agents on the host machine
Note: It is very important that you make sure that your Virtual machine startup/shutdown with the host feature disabled. If for some reason you can’t access this setting, please follow this guide.
Want to delete a virtual machine on VMware? Follow these steps
2. Restart the VMware Virtual Center service on vCenter Server
Note: It is worth mentioning that when you restart the VMware VirtualCenter Server service, all the users that are connected to the infrastructure through the client will be disconnected.
Even though seeing the error Not allowed in the current state on your VMware software can be caused by a large number of activities, we managed to boil down all the solutions to the two presented to you.
Please make sure to follow the steps we provided in this list carefully to avoid causing any other problems.
Feel free to let us know if this article helped you solve your issue. You can do so by using the comment section below.