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Steam is without a doubt the best platform for gamers, but many gamers reported Steam Bex error on their PC. BEX is short for Buffer Overflow Exception, and most of the time BEX-related crashes are associated with problems with Windows Data Execution Prevention, or DEP for short.
If Steam client is blocked from accessing memory on your system, you might encounter this error, but there’s a way to fix it.
How to fix Steam Bex error? This error is usually caused by Data Execution Prevention feature, so be sure to disable it from Advanced system settings or by using Command Prompt. If that doesn’t work, try running Steam in Compatibility mode or reinstall the affected game.
How can I fix Steam Bex error on my PC?
1. Disable peripheral features
Certain peripheral devices can lead to Steam Bex error on your PC. If you’re using a device that the Synapse technology we suggest you disable it. Also, disable data tracking in the status section of your peripheral to fix this problem.
2. Run Steam in Compatibility Mode
If you’re still facing Steam Bex error, we recommend trying to run Steam in Compatibility Mode. To do so, follow these steps:
If this method doesn’t help, try using different settings for Compatibility mode.
3. Disable Data Execution Prevention
Since Steam Bex error is related to DEP, we can try disabling it. In order to do this follow these steps:
In Command Prompt:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff
and press Enter. To enable DEP, run this command:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn
4. Reinstall Steam
If the previous solutions didn’t help, select the Verify or Repair for any game in your Steam client. In the event that the issue is not resolved, uninstall and reinstall your game.
We hope that these solutions were able to help you fix Steam Bex error. In the meantime, let us know in the comment section any potential solutions that you found on your own.