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There are many port scanning tools that can help you to carry out vulnerability assessments. However, one of the popular tools for this job is SolarWinds Port Scanner.
SolarWinds Port Scanner is a freeware and allows you to carry out a vulnerability assessment to find ports on a device and check what services are running on those ports.
In this article, we will show you how to run a port scan using the SolarWinds Port Scanner tool to help you check for open ports on a device and possibly probe for the services running on those ports.
How do I run a port scan using SolarWinds Port Scanner?
Download and run the tool
Note: Before proceeding with the installation, make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirement.
Configure scan settings – will scan six IPs (from 100 to 105) will scan 256 IPs (from 0 to 255) myhostname will scan two IP addresses and one hostname;; myhostname,, myhostname
1–100 will scan a range of 100 ports
1,5,8,50,100 (will scan five specified ports)
1 5 8 50 100 (will scan five specified ports)|
1;5;8;50;100 (will scan five specified ports)
Save your scan profile
Review scan results
Open – it means the application actively accepting TCP connection
Closed – the port is accessible but not active
Filtered – the scanner failed to detect if the port is open or close.
Port scanning tools are essential to perform a Vulnerability Assessment, and the SolarWinds Port Scanner tool is one of the best tools you can use with excellent output.
If you are new to SolarWinds Port Scanner, follow the steps in this article to get started with Vulnerability Assessment and let us know what do you think of the tool in the comments.