How to uninstall Windows 10 Update Assistant

November 2022 · 3 minute read
stop windows 10 update assistant from installing


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  • How to disable Windows 10 update assistant permanently

  • Uninstall the Windows 10 Update Assistant
  • Turn Off Update Assistant’s Scheduled Tasks
  • The Windows 10 Update Assistant enables users to upgrade Windows 10 to the latest builds. Thus, you can update Windows to the latest version with that utility without waiting for an automatic update.

    However, the Update Assistant is hardly essential as the updates will eventually roll out to you without it.

    You can uninstall the Win 10 Update Assistant much the same as most software. However, some users have discovered that the Update Assistant has a habit of automatically reinstalling.

    Thus, you might also need to turn off some scheduled tasks for the Update Assistant after uninstalling it.

    Which is the latest version of Windows 10? Find out from our constantly updated article!

    How to remove Windows 10 update assistant permanently

    Uninstall the Windows 10 Update Assistant

    Epic guide alert! This is how you delete downloaded Windows Updates which failed to install!

    Turn Off Update Assistant’s Scheduled Tasks

    After you’ve uninstalled Windows 10 Update Assistant, you might also need to turn off the scheduled UpdateAssistant, UpdateAssistanceCalenderRun and UpdateAssistantWakeupRun tasks.

    To do that, open the Cortana app.

    So that’s how you can both uninstall the Windows 10 Update Assistant and turn off scheduled tasks that might later revive it. You can also more thoroughly uninstall the Update Assistant with third-party uninstallers.

    Check out this post for further third-party uninstaller software details.

