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A large number of users have complained that Google Calendar won’t delete recurring events. This issue seems to be extremely common.
Having to deal with this Google Calendar issue while also making sure you’re keeping up to date with your latest meeting arrangements can be extremely annoying.
Here is what one user had to say about this issue on Google Support forums:
I cannot delete one event on Google Calendar reoccurring events. It disappears and shows back up.
In this article, we will explore some of the best troubleshooting methods to help you regain control over your calendar. Read on to find out more.
What to do if Google Calendar event won’t delete?
1. Update your browser to the latest version
2. Open up your browser in Incognito Mode
3. Check when the event/events end, and try to delete them from there
4. Remove all the people that shared the calendar
5. Check other non-Google calendars
In this article, we explored some of the best troubleshooting methods to fix the issue caused by not being able to remove a recurring event from your Google Calendar.
We would love to know if this guide helped you solve your issue. Please feel free to let us know by using the comment section found below this article.