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A great number of Minecraft players have reported encountering an error message that says: You don’t have permission to build here. This error seems to appear in a variety of environments, in worlds both new and old, and no matter the permission levels of the users.
This can be extremely frustrating, as it is close to impossible to pinpoint the exact reason for this error. The complexity that all the players of this game appreciate can be a problem in itself when trying to understand the issue. Considering the variety of available plug-ins and settings for each of the plugins, one command can create a wide range of conflicts.
Even though this error message hasn’t been solved completely yet, in this article we will discuss some of the best suggestions moderators and players alike have suggested. Read on to find out more.
How to fix You don’t have permission to build here error in Minecraft?
1. Disable all the plug-ins that you use and re-enable them
Have a problem with a black screen in Minecraft? Fix it now with this guide!
2. Modify settings inside the WorldGuard plug-in
3. Use Essentials Config
In this article, we explored some of the best suggestions made by experienced users and moderators off the official forums of Minecraft.
We hope this guide helped you. Please try all these methods mentioned above and let us know if this guide helped you solve, or at least identify where the issue is coming from. You can inform us about your experience by using the comment section found below.