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Like many other important apps that are missing from the Windows Store, there also isn’t an official SnapChat app for Windows 8 users. So, the single solution at our disposal is to use third-party apps from Windows 8 developers. ProSnap is a fresh new Snapchat app that has been released in the Windows Store and we’re having a quick look at it.
Recently released in the Windows Store, ProSnap, according to the developers, is the first Snapchat available for Windows 8 and Windows RT users. And, indeed, I’ve scouted the Windows Store and couldn’t find another one. Snapchat is a photo messaging app where users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings referred to as “snaps”. They can then send them to a controlled list of recipients. And as the number of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 tablet owners grows, it’s only natural that many will start looking for the Snapchat app to download and install.
First Snapchat app for Windows 8 users
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ProSnap is the first Snapchat app available in the Windows Store. With ProSnap you can enjoy Snapchat on your Windows tablet, laptop or desktop. If you don’t have a camera you can still receive your snaps.
The app is very simple and with basic features, such as sending and receiving snaps, managing and adding new friends and also creating a newSnapchat account from inside the app. As users will start complaining about lack of features and various bugs and glitches, the developer will definitely issue more updates. And we’ll keep you posted on this.
Download ProSnap for Windows 8
Snapchat evolution: what you need to know
The Snapchat app has been updated at a few months after its release. The users were abled after this update to send saved images, draw on snaps, remove history and other important features. However, Snapchat app developers announced that Snapchat will not be released for Windows phones. The problem was the situation of Windows Mobile Platform in 2016, which didn’t promise anything back then. For the rest of mobile platforms – it works like a charm, so feel free to use it.