How to fix Microsoft Store error 0x8004e108 in Windows 10/11

September 2022 · 5 minute read
Windows Store or Microsoft Store


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  • The Windows Store (now Microsoft Store) error 0x8004e108 is one that occurs for some Microsoft Store users when attempting to download new apps or app updates. The Windows Store 0x8994e108 error message states: “Something went wrong. The error code is 0x8004E108, in case you need it.

    Consequently, the Microsoft Store users can’t install or update Store apps. If that error message has popped up on your laptop or desktop, try some of the below fixes for it.

    Fix error 0x8004e108 on Windows Store

  • Reset the Microsoft Store Cache
  • Open the Windows Store App Troubleshooter
  • Edit the SoftwareDistribution Folder Title
  • Disable or Uninstall Anti-virus Software
  • Restore Windows to a System Restore Point
  • Sign out of Your Microsoft Account
  • 1. Reset the Microsoft Store Cache

    2. Open the Windows Store App Troubleshooter

    The Windows Store App troubleshooter is the one to open when there’s something up with the Microsoft Store or other apps. This might automatically fix the 0x8004e108 error. You can open the Windows Store App troubleshooter as follows.

    ALSO READ: Fix: ‘Acquiring license’ error in Windows Store

    3. Edit the SoftwareDistribution Folder Title

    4. Disable or Uninstall Anti-virus Software

    Some Microsoft Store users have confirmed that uninstalling third-party anti-virus software fixed the 0x8004e108 error for them. First, try temporarily switching the anti-virus software off by right-clicking its system tray icon and selecting a disable option on its context menu. If disabling the anti-virus utility doesn’t resolve the issue, you can uninstall the software as follows.

    5. Restore Windows to a System Restore Point

    Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
    Click here to download and start repairing.

    The Microsoft Store was working just fine a few months back, right? If so, rolling Windows back to a restore point might resolve the 0x8004e108 issue. That will remove any updates and third-party programs installed after a selected restore point date that might be responsible for the issue. The System Restore tool will undo the system changes. This is how you can utilize System Restore to fix error 0x8004e108.

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    ALSO READ: Windows Store error 0x80246019 [FIX]

    6. Sign out of Your Microsoft Account

    Some Microsoft Store users have also confirmed they’ve fixed apps not downloading by signing out of the MS Store app and then back in again. To do that, first enter ‘Microsoft Store’ in Cortana’s search box to open that app.

    Those are a few resolutions that might, or might not, fix the 0x8004e108 error. Aside from those fixes, check for Windows updates such as KB4058043 that Microsoft released to resolve Store app update issues. Check out this article for further resolutions that might fix Microsoft Store apps which aren’t downloading.
